Corporal punishment in zambian schools pdf

Corporal punishment is a worrying issue among human rights. With your download, get the 21 best papers relevant to this one, including 20 top related papers. Fiji global initiative to end all corporal punishment of. Discipline and academic performance a study of selected. Teachers attitudes towards the abolition of corporal punishment loretta cicognani a research report submitted to the school of human and community development, university of the witwatersrand, johannesburg, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for. Alternatives to instilling discipline in primary schools during the post corporal punishment era in uganda. Gershoff human development and family sciences, university of texas at austin, austin, tx, usa abstract school corporal punishment continues to be a legal means of disciplining children in a third of the worlds countries. While a child was in school, a teacher was expected to act as a substitute parent, with many forms of parental discipline or rewards open to them. The objectives of the study were to investigate teachers attitudes towards corporal punishment ban in pre schools and to establish whether the level of education of teachers had an influence on the use of corporal punishment. In schools, there are a wide range of punishments, but corporal punishment will be the focus here.

The global movement to reverse the culture of corporal punishment and. Agbenyega 2006 reports on the practice of corporal punishment in two basic schools in the. Regulations governing government and aided schools and hostels. This is in keeping with international trends of recognising of the rights of the child and the south african constitution. Have a look at the sites front page or go to the explanatory page, about this website. Thinking about the effectiveness and appropriateness of corporal punishment is as old as education itself. Human rights activists in zambia scored another victory recently when they got parliament to outlaw corporal punishment in the country.

It includes a wide range of physical actions meant to inflict pain and discomfort. Effects of child abuse on the academic performance of primary school pupils in kwande local government area of benue state by tsegba, tersoo timothy phone. Longitudinal evidence from ethiopia, india, peru andviet nam. Corporal punishment violence inflicted on children by parents, teachers, carers and others in the name of discipline is the most common form of violence against children. Zambia global initiative to end all corporal punishment. Corporal punishment is prohibited in schools under a high court ruling which stated that corporal punishment was unconstitutional. Perceptions of teachers on the ban of corporal punishment. Zambia abolished corporal punishment in schools in 2003 in line with the united nations convention on the rights of the child. Perspectives on the effects of corporal punishment. The continued use of corporal punishment in some south african schools and the reasons advanced for it make this subject topical even now, twenty years after the abolition of this practice. Zambia global initiative to end all corporal punishment of.

Owing to the above facts, early child marriage has currently become a vital topic of discussion amongst several development platforms which has made it more visible to many that were unaware of its existence. The advantages of corporal punishment legal beagle. Effectiveness of ministry of primary and secondary. Zitukule consortium executive director nicholas phiri has slammed the national action for quality education in zambia naqez for calling for the reintroduction of corporal punishment in schools. There is a t ension between the prohibition of corpo ral punishment in s c hools and the. The education act 1978 is silent on the issue, but article 57 of the juveniles act 1974 provides legal justification for the use of corporal punishment. Corporal punishment in schools generally punishment administered across the buttocks or on the hands with a paddle or yardstick was certainly legal in all u. Ending corporal punishment of children in zambia save the. The teachers diploma program in zambian government schools. Zimbabwe has been going through some encouraging developments in the area of child rights since 20. The immediate aims of such punishment are usually to halt the offense, prevent its recurrence and set an example for others. Abstract the purpose of this study was to establish the impact of corporal punishment on students academic performance in secondary schools in mbarara municipality. This research explores teachers attitudes towards the ban of corporal punishment as well as the alternate discipline strategies teachers are using to discipline their learners.

Corporal punishment in schools reflects a large gap between current education policy that bans corporal punishment and actual implementation of this policy. Throughout the history of education, the most common means of maintaining discipline in schools was corporal punishment. In k12 schools, corporal punishment is often spanking, with either a hand or paddle, or striking a student across hisher hand with a ruler or leather strap. Alice evans 2014 coeducation and the erosion of gender stereotypes in the zambian. This page is just one of this websites over 2,000 pages of factual documentation and resources on corporal punishment around the world. Prior to the ruling, corporal punishment was used in schools to instill discipline and promote a proper learning environment. Although corporal punishment of children in schools is prohibited by law in zambia, the quantitative and qualitative survey points to the fact that it is still practised. Data collection was done in respect of the study specific objectives through data collection methods which include questionnaires and interviews. Section 1 provides an overview of guiding principles to keep in mind when developing policies at the district level to prevent violence. Stratified sampling was used to select the pre schools.

Before corporal punishment was banned in zambia, schoolchildren were chastised by the stroke of the cane and sometimes dehumanised with slaps and fists at the hand of teachers. Basic education rights handbook education rights in. Aaron chansa, the organizations executive director said untold indiscipline has crept into zambian schools after corporal punishment was abolished in 2004. Previous researches pointed out that adults parents and teachers who were physically punished in their childhood are more supportive of corporal punishment than those who were not subjected to physical punishment hyman, 1988.

Corporal punishment practices are high in zambia and violence in schools has been widely recognized as a concern. It was conducted in 2005 in all the nine provinces of zambia by the zambia civic. Although opposition to it is strong, corporal punishment still has some strong arguments for it. Abolishment of corporal punishment in zambia semantic scholar. It should also be noted that since the law should be upheld and respected. Zcea calls for an end to corporal punishment on children. A ray of hope for the outlawing of corporal punishment in. Thus it is perceived as exacerbating the very problems from which it arises. In the last decade, corporal punishment in south african schools was banned. Zambias initial report to the african committee of experts on the rights and welfare of the child stated that children who were consulted on the issue had reported they were still subjected to corporal punishment at school, including whipping with a hose pipe, holding ones ears by passing the hands in between the legs and being put on detention for long hours and being made to miss lunch. The government of the republic of uganda banned corporal punishment in 2006, but despite this, corporal punishments continue in schools. Alternatives to corporal punishment in schools academia. Corporal punishment has been banned in namibian schools with the adoption of the constitution of the republic of namibia. Mixed views on corporal punishment zambia daily mail.

A situation report on child marriages in zambia world. Docking, 2000 in his opinion on application of punishments in. According to him, the lack of discipline among learners is making it difficult for teachers to effectively discharge their duties. Pdf coeducation and the erosion of gender stereotypes in. Corporal punishment is a discipline method in which a supervising adult deliberately inflicts pain upon a child in response to a childs unacceptable behavior andor inappropriate language. Effectiveness of ministry of primary and secondary education circulars in managing students misconduct in zimbabwean schools dr chimhenga sylod1, mr john mpofu2, 1 senior lecturer, centre for student management, zimbabwe open university 2senior lecturer, department of arts and education, zimbabwe open university. Sep 10, 2015 zambia has one of the highest child marriage rates in the world with 42% of women aged 2024 years married by the age of 18. Corporal punishment is defined as a physical punishment and a punishment that involves hitting someone. Ending corporal punishment of children in zambia resource centre. Teachers and school administrators resort to corporal punishment to correct poor behaviors. While corporal punishment such as paddling, spanking and hitting students disappeared from private schools by the 1960s, according to an article published by npr in december 2016, it is still permitted in public schools in 22 states, which can be broken down into 7 states that simply dont prohibit it and 15 states that expressly permit it. There is a statutory limitation upon a parents right to use corporal punishment to discipline their child. In a study done on corporal punishment of children in the home and in school, it was revealed that within a two week period, 23.

Holden university of texas at austin parental use of corporal punishment has been a contentious childrearing topic for thousands of years. The study sought to establish the following study objectives. Where manual work was preferred as a form of reprimand, other teachers. Pdf icon ending corporal punishment of children in zambia. It can take the form of parental, school or judicial corporal punishment. Teachers perceptions on corporal punish ment as a method of discipline in elementary schools 243 including the usa. For instance, while corporal punishment is prohibited in e. The issue of corporal punishment at schools is by no means free of controversy. Protecting children in zambia from violence, abuse. Effects of corporal punishment ban on high schools in. The digging of trenches, ploughing of school fields and cleaning surroundings was also a common form of punishment in those days. Perceptions from other stakeholders like heads, parents, education inspectors and pupils themselves were not used for this. A guide to effective school discipline for principals.

This is due, in part, to the fact that parents who use alternative and positive methods of discipline teach their children more communication and problemsolving skills. Corporal punishment in schools and its effect on academic success testimony by donald e. One other factor that teachers generally agree has brought about an increase of indiscipline among pupils in zimbabwean schools is the abolishment of corporal punishment chikowore, 2014. School policies and legal issues supporting safe schools, by kirk bailey, is a practical guide to the development and implementation of school policies that support safe schools. Despite the ban on corporal punishment 20 years ago, teachers are still hitting children.

The study looked at corporal and humiliating and degrading punishment of children over a period of two weeks. Clustered sampling technique was applied to identify the sample size for the study. Introduction a school girl makes an unwise decision. Before corporal punishment was banned in zambia, schoolchildren. Alternatives to corporal punishment discipline is an ongoing process and results cannot be achieved on the basis of one incident. In this paper the researchers sought to examine the issues and challenges surrounding the notion of corporal punishment in schools. The research findings demonstrate that corporal punishment in schools is highly correlated to family acceptance by practicing corporal punishment at home and lack. The effects of abolishing corporal punishment on learner.

The researcher delimited the study to the analysis of causes of indiscipline amongst secondary school pupils in nyanga district of manicaland province in eastern zimbabwe. Just as school corporal punishment is seen by its opponents as originating in failed pedagogical relationships, so it is believed to compromise them further. Zambia s death penalty laws and how they are applied, including death row and execution numbers, deatheligible crimes, methods of execution, appeals and clemency, availability of lawyers, prison conditions, ratification of international instruments, and recent developments. Perceptions of teachers on the ban of corporal punishment in.

A qualitative study in an urban township of south africa alison breen, 1 karen daniels, 2 and mark tomlinson 1 1 department of psychology, stellenbosch university, south africa. Among young people aged 1824 years in zambia, 20 per cent of women and 10 per cent of men reported experiencing sexual violence before they were 18 years of age, while 34 per cent of women and 40 per cent of men reported. It violates childrens right to respect for their human dignity and physical integrity, as well. Introduction globally, ancestors explored the properties of every plant, fruit, root and nut they found. Abstract the purpose of this study is to look at instilling discipline in learners after corporal punishment was abolished in schools in uganda. Light manual work like picking litter, sweeping and. School policies and legal issues supporting safe schools. The alleged punishment administered to learners by teachers at windhoek. On the other hand, this study observes that legislation against corporal punishment needs to be more specific and complete as to also.

Learn how prevalent corporal punishment is, the arguments for and against it, and. A baseline qualitative assessment of teachers and students strengths and challenges in the c ontext of a schoolbased psychosocial support. Although the law still allows for the use of corporal punishment in some child care facilities, it seems that corporal punishment is discouraged in zambian child care facilities. Zambia has one of the highest child marriage rates in the world with 42% of women aged 2024 years married by the age of 18. The zambia civic education association zcea in partnership with other stakeholders has called for the immediate eradication of corporal punishment on children in society. Oct 27, 2017 a ray of hope for the outlawing of corporal punishment in zimbabwe. Distribution of responses on manual work as an atcp used by. Corporal punishment continues to be practiced at unacceptable rates in egyptian schools, at the same time that violence rates are rising. Corporal punishment in schools has declined in recent years, but still continues to be practiced in many states. Corporal punishment is the deliberate infliction of physical pain such as flogging, slapping, spanking and paddling to punish wrongdoing.

Corporal punishment in school should be banned free essays. It is also argued that corporal punishment negatively affects relationships and often creates resentment and hostility, which have been associated with school dropout and vandalism mwamawenda, 2008, p. School corporal punishment, zambia, jan 2004 corpun. Consultations with children revealed the widespread use of corporal punishment and other forms of violence and abuse by teachers aimed to discipline students. This article argues that since the banning of corporal punishment, there has been an alarming increase in the lack of discipline in schools.

The pupils, it is said, begin to fear their teachers and view them as enemies rather than concerned custodians. What are the disadvantages of corporal punishment in schools. Corporal punishment is when a person in authority uses physical force with the intention of causing pain for disciplinary purposes. In most schools, the head principal or the deputy head were permitted to use corporal punishment and required to record the incident in a log book shumba, 2003. The study was conducted under three research objectives. Africa, 18 january 2004 spare the rod and spoil the child. However, the statute does not elaborate on what constitutes excessive corporal punishment. Corporal punishment in schools has been prohibited since 2003. Nevertheless, some stakeholders, including some parents, teachers and officials, felt it would be better to reinstitute corporal punishment, suggesting that young people would improve their behaviours if this was an option. Since corporal punishment was abolished in zambian schools, i feel very little. Effects of banning corporal punishment on discipline in south. Alternatives to instilling discipline in primary schools. Effects of corporal punishment ban on high schools in zambia. Effects of banning corporal punishment on discipline in.